Name a commerically sucessful indie film

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Joined: Tue May 29, 2012 12:26 am
Real name: Trevor Dean

Re: Name a commerically sucessful indie film

Post by lightmachine »

I'm late to the party but also remember; Hollywood shuffle I think it was for $20,000? I'm gonna get you sucka, for $3 mil it made $13 mil. Brothers McCmullin for $20,000? Edward burns last film was for $9,000. Chasing Amy, for $250,000? Halloween for $80,000? Friday the 13th, $550,000? Straight out of Brooklyn, $450,000 it made 2.7mil. Evil dead, $375,000. All of these made decent to outrages money with the exception of Edward Burns last film which I know nothing about. It could be successful but ? I'm more interested in getting one made so $9,000 appeals to me.
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