Electronic viewfinder the cheap way

Technical talk about 8mm, Super8, 9.5mm, 16mm and 35mm ++ motion picture cameras.

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Electronic viewfinder the cheap way

Post by jpolzfuss »


Attaching an iPhone 7 to a Meopta A8L2 Supra with a cheap Chinese „camera adapter“ (4,99€ including shipping)? Works!
Unfortunately, the Meopta‘s viewfinder is "too slippery" and "nearly too tiny". That's because its diameter is close to the lower end of the adapter's capabilities (see the attached modified screenshot from eBay). If the adapter could be adjusted down to e.g. 25mm, then it would be better.
So after approximately 30s, the perfectly vertically/horizontally oriented phone starts to react to gravity. But I guess that I can fix this with some rubber bands around the viewfinder...

Hope this helps,
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