super super8 ?

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Post by ericMartinJarvies »

boy, that was a long read ... 2 years old. i sounded to me that alex wanted to trade in is workprinter for one of rogers newer ones, for being one of the early beleivers as it relates to purchasing one of the initial workprinters. that joke sounded to me like he was trying to make a point that roger never offered to make that kind of trade, so a bit of animosity arose from the situation, most likely through other posts in the forum. alex sounded like he made a post to the guy who was getting the new, wider gate workprinter, but the message was really aimed at roger, however givng indication to the the guy(i cant remember his name, even though i just spent 20 minutes reading all of that) that if roger teated all of his customers fairly, he too should receve a prototype just as he(alex) did. or, t was saying, if that guy is getting a superor, final product, then why shouldn't i?

now roger took it as though alex was saying to that guy to beware, roger is goingto take advantage of you. but i read it more like alex voicing a gripe that he did not get an upgrade or trade-in.

but i think that by this point, enough had been exchanged between roger and alex that when that post was made, there was alrady many other things floating around, tought and insinuations, but no direct initiatives or plain statements. again, i am merely assuming this. and because it seems that alex is one to hold his guns, and never apologize, or give the ball to the opponant for poor sportmanship, it only added to the fire. so basically, alex irritated roger beyond beleif, and still does, and alex does not understand this fact. roger has been so irritated over alex, that he probibly never received the real message that alex hid in that post, and should have simply said outright.

that is my take, and i am not maing cliams or bets either way, is was how it read to me. and those types of posts all read hte same, everyone ends up attacking eachother for everything except the one thing that is the real and actual issue. leave to us humans to wallow as we do.

please, do not attack me, i just thought the two of you would want a thrid person perspective from someone that did not know either way, and who just read it. i have no vested interest in either of you, and do not want to be the victim of any attacks as a result of this post. my white flag hangs high, and waves wide.
eric martin jarvies
#7 avenido jarvies
pueblo viejo
cabo san lucas, baja california sur. mexico
cp 23410
044 624 141 9661

Post by Alex »

first off, MATTIAS DID mention it on this topic post, I responded to it, then he deleted the reference.

Here is the quote...

"i won't respond to the rest of your post since i had already removed the comments you refer to before you referred to them. i encourage you to remove the last part of your post as well, since we're better off leaving all that behind us."


So don't accuse me of starting this, because I did not. The fact that it is on Mattias's mind means it affects his dealings with me.

I NEVER accused Andreas of anything. After our first couple of go rounds on the other forum, I mentioned to Mike Brantley that you had put some posts on this forum that seemed to imply your loyalties were more here than there.

I simply did that to remind Mike that BEFORE you ever posted on the Hostboard forum, there never were any problems on his forum. My concern was that because you knew a couple posters here, and they posted on Brantley's forum, that I was being focused on by the same people that posted here, and I was.

Look, I remember the post that pissed Chas off, (again, I was defending the business person, and that pissed Chas off.)

Anway, I never accused you of cheating a customer, as I explained in my previous post, I was refering to my own situation and the time-base corrector that was specially built for me, then was mini mass marketed to others while I had to keep the original prototype.

Anyway, I can't even begin to respond to all of your responses as it will approach a level of self indulgence I don't want to subject others to.
If Mike Brantley had simply said, "Both of you guys make good points" during our 110 post disagreement, we could have moved on, but he didn't.

The rest was pretty inevitable. by the way, there were faked ID's used against me, I don't think you did it, but Chas faked an ID on my forum, and used almost identical lingo to one of the fakes on the Brantley forum.

So don't take what happened on that forum too seriously. Does the name Jenny Eight ring a bell. Ask Chas about that fake ID.

The problem was the disagreement we initially had were never forgotten by your or Chas or a third person who I won't mention because I don't think they post here, but that from that time on, each of you just hated my guts on practically any post I made.

I never wanted nor did I expect an apology from you. But once you did apologize, Mike Brantley expected one from me. Since I don't believe in apologies, it never came, and that made it real easy for Mike to ban me.

The bottom line is I had made over 600 posts before you arrived on Brantley's forum, with no problems, quite a coincidence that the problems started after you arrived. Heck, I INTRODUCED you to the forum, and was the first to mention your movie, Jet Benny.

But I don't blame anyone other than a moderator who had more important issues at the time to deal with (I don't mean that in an insulting way either).

Do you really believe you saved the Super-8 community from the clutches of Alex?

Whoooooooo, how impressive.
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Post by MovieStuff »

Alex wrote:first off, MATTIAS DID mention it on this topic post, I responded to it, then he deleted the reference.

Here is the quote...

"i won't respond to the rest of your post since i had already removed the comments you refer to before you referred to them. i encourage you to remove the last part of your post as well, since we're better off leaving all that behind us."


So don't accuse me of starting this, because I did not. The fact that it is on Mattias's mind means it affects his dealings with me.

I NEVER accused Andreas of anything. After our first couple of go rounds on the other forum, I mentioned to Mike Brantley that you had put some posts on this forum that seemed to imply your loyalties were more here than there.

I simply did that to remind Mike that BEFORE you ever posted on the Hostboard forum, there never were any problems on his forum. My concern was that because you knew a couple posters here, and they posted on Brantley's forum, that I was being focused on by the same people that posted here, and I was.

Look, I remember the post that pissed Chas off, (again, I was defending the business person, and that pissed Chas off.)

Anway, I never accused you of cheating a customer, as I explained in my previous post, I was refering to my own situation and the time-base corrector that was specially built for me, then was mini mass marketed to others while I had to keep the original prototype.

Anyway, I can't even begin to respond to all of your responses as it will approach a level of self indulgence I don't want to subject others to.
If Mike Brantley had simply said, "Both of you guys make good points" during our 110 post disagreement, we could have moved on, but he didn't.

The rest was pretty inevitable. by the way, there were faked ID's used against me, I don't think you did it, but Chas faked an ID on my forum, and used almost identical lingo to one of the fakes on the Brantley forum.

So don't take what happened on that forum too seriously. Does the name Jenny Eight ring a bell. Ask Chas about that fake ID.

The problem was the disagreement we initially had were never forgotten by your or Chas or a third person who I won't mention because I don't think they post here, but that from that time on, each of you just hated my guts on practically any post I made.

I never wanted nor did I expect an apology from you. But once you did apologize, Mike Brantley expected one from me. Since I don't believe in apologies, it never came, and that made it real easy for Mike to ban me.
Wow! What a load. Nice to see that you've moved on and aren't obsessed, Alex. ;)
Alex wrote:The bottom line is I had made over 600 posts before you arrived on Brantley's forum, with no problems, quite a coincidence that the problems started after you arrived. Heck, I INTRODUCED you to the forum, and was the first to mention your movie, Jet Benny.
Wow! What a load. You didn't introduce me to Mike's forum. Another blatant lie, Alex. The first post I ever made to Mike's forum was to counter deliberate misinformation you posted regarding 16mm film.
Alex wrote:But I don't blame anyone other than a moderator who had more important issues at the time to deal with (I don't mean that in an insulting way either).
Another huge load. You actually refused to leave Mike's forum because he wouldn't go head to head with you "man to man", I think you put it. You bad mouthed Mike every chance you got after that because you felt he was unfair. To now claim that he "had more important issues to deal with" is merely an attempt to downplay your part in all this and to prop up the notion that you were merely "misunderstood" way back then. No one misunderstood you, Alex. You acted like a jerk and got a jerk's reward. You've no one to blame but yourself.
Alex wrote:Do you really believe you saved the Super-8 community from the clutches of Alex?

Whoooooooo, how impressive.
Hey, I'M the one that hates super 8, remember? That was the first of many accusations you posted about me which concluded with your suggestion that I would take advantage of a client.

Go to hell.

You'd need a far better understanding of super 8 for it to ever be in your clutches. As such, I'd say that the super 8 world is pretty safe from your influence, other than the usual disinformation you seem to banter about so casually.

Last edited by MovieStuff on Mon Jun 02, 2003 6:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MovieStuff »

ericMartinJarvies wrote: sounded to me that alex wanted to trade in is workprinter for one of rogers newer ones, for being one of the early beleivers as it relates to purchasing one of the initial workprinters.
Wrong. Alex was never a believer in the WorkPrinter unit and made several comments questioning the integrity of my product, even though he had never seen one nor any transfer off of one.
ericMartinJarvies wrote:sounded to me like he was trying to make a point that roger never offered to make that kind of trade, so a bit of animosity arose from the situation, most likely through other posts in the forum.
Wrong. Alex never owned one of my units, had never seen one in operation, knew nothing about how they worked, had never had business dealings with me nor knew anything about the quality of the units nor the specifics of the unit I was custom designing for the customer in question. Despite all that, Alex's ORIGINAL post (prior to editing) strongly suggested that I would take advantage of my customer and questioned the quality of my product. I'm supposed to see a joke in that?


Post by Alex »

Mr. Jarvies, I did not see your post when I made my last post. (they are only 4 minutes apart and I obviously spent more than 4 minutes making it).

Roger, I did introduce you to the forum. I "outed" the fact that you made Jet Benny, you hadn't mentioned it, but I did.

I tell ya it's a curse remembering all of these details.
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Post by ericMartinJarvies »

wow, well it goes to show you how we all read something diffrantly in tese forums. i thought for sure alex had one of roger's workprinters, or that is the way it sounded to me when he made that post, or the way read his post i should say. well, none of my business anyways.

rogr, on a seperate note, and seeing as you most lkely know more about projectors then most, what can you tell me about the following units ... i have a guy that i am trading equipment with, and he has some projectors, they are as follows and i basically want to know the value of them so i cna base a trade with my equipment:

Beaulieu (Hurtier) w/600 foot spool
fuomo zenon arc lamp projector w/60 foot spool
Elmo ST1200D w/1200 foot spool

of these, which one is the most practical? i was thinking, that if any of these are any good, i might be able to make my own digital slr setup wherein it could use the flash socket to advance the film(the the other product we discussed). i am trading non film equipment forthis stuf, which is considrably newer, and has an immediate/receipt value. he claims these units are all in prestine condition, and did not mention the price or value of what he would consider in our trade. so i wanted to have some general info prior to negotiating, as ebay is kind of hard to determin a real value because of hte price variations that are so common.
eric martin jarvies
#7 avenido jarvies
pueblo viejo
cabo san lucas, baja california sur. mexico
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Post by MovieStuff »

Alex wrote: Roger, I did introduce you to the forum. I "outed" the fact that you made Jet Benny, you hadn't mentioned it, but I did.

I tell ya it's a curse remembering all of these details.
Which details? The ones before or after you edited your old posts? You didn't have anything to do with my introdution to Hostboard, Alex, and you know that. The infamous thread that started all this was deleted by the original poster; a fact that you are now trying to take advantage of to rewrite history.

My first response on Hostboard was specifically to answer a question someone posted regarding the viability of producing a PSA in 16mm versus S8 on a budget of $3000. You posted exagerated problems aimed at disuading the person from shooting in 16mm, lied about the ease of shooting in S8 and basically did the guy a total disservice when he came to the forum needing honest, accurate and professional advice. When I gave him accurate information that supported the shoot in 16mm, you claimed that I hated super 8 and was out to destroy the format. You were wrong then and you are wrong now. Your "details" are only in your imagination.


Post by Alex »

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Post by mattias »

Alex wrote:first off, MATTIAS DID mention it on this topic post, I responded to it, then he deleted the reference.
before actually, but i guess you had already pulled the quote by then. i can prove this since the line "edited 1 times" would be accompanying my post had it been replied to already when i changed it. what's important though is that i removed the quote for *your* sake, not for myself. i'm not a coward, i just thought it wasn't fair to make others to judge you by your history on a totally different board. you're doing a great job making the exact same impression here anyway...

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Post by MovieStuff »

This is so tedious and so typical of your disinformation. Not that anyone here gives a rat's ass but you've just proved my point that I had been posting on Hostboard prior to your mention of Jet Benny. In the above Hostboard post, you wrote:
Alex wrote:Do we have a new poster to the board who made "Jet Benny"...hmmmmmm
To which I responded in the afirmative. If my response to your question was my first post on Hostboard, then how would you have known I was there and why would you have addressed me as a "new poster"? Are you now claiming you're psychic? You can't possibly explain how you can mention me as a "new poster" unless I had been already posting on Mike's forum prior to your mention of Jet Benny.

Again, thanks for proving my point and also proving that you will go to any length to try and win a discussion. Just how many hundreds of archives did you dig through last night, Alex? Do any more revisionist editing while there? ;)

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Post by Andreas Wideroe »

Alex wrote:I never accused Andreas of anything. We had friendly e-mails back forth whenever Hostboard was down and I would inform the regulars who posted on Brantley's forum. Yes, I collected 110 e-mail on my own time, one by one, and when Hostboard was having problems, I would let every one know, then let everyone know when it was up again. Many said thanks, including Andreas. (a couple less enthusastic souls said don't bother with the updates)
I don't think so. The only 2 emails I found from you was the ones I received through your unvoluntary mailinglist. I actually did a search through my emails which I've kept since 1996 and I found 2 mails from you. One about your forum being up and you wanting people to jump over to you, the other one about how one could access the hostboard by typing some numbers at the end of the URL.

By the way, I think it's so stupid to talk about loyalty in here... It's free world and people are welcome to post to wherever they want. When we're talking about board-loyalty, look at your signature for crying out loud. It's a link to your board! ...

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Post by marc »

O.K guys take a rest for a while. Roger, can you make me an intervalometer? If it works, I promise that I will not bad mouth the integrity of the product!
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Post by dantheman »


Somewhere in California, a village is missing its idiot....

Pleeeaaase don't chuck him off this forum! He is so funny.

Just my thoughts on the matter...


Ps. I love the rant about the Birkas.
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Post by Cranium »

Last week I was wondering how long it would take to get to this point...
When one person appears and causes so much static, does it really matter who's wrong or right?
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Post by Guest- »

Well Mr. cranium, shake your skull like one of those magic 8 balls and maybe it will give us the answer.
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