Angus wrote:I second that train segment being especially impressive.
I get the feeling if I tried to do something similar at my local station they'd cart me off assuming I am some sort of terrorist
HA... I did tried set up camera next to highway and cars slow down think I'm speed scanning police. As soon as they found out I'm not, they finger me.
vidwerk wrote:Thanks for all your efforts lastcoyote. You've done a great job at keeping this organized and going.
Thanks vidwerk, only 2 more carts to go and the project will be finish, Cart 1 is with me already. Now we just need to wait for cart 2 and the curse will be totally break. Curse of missing.
When my life finish, every single frame of my films loop my thought…
When I did my shoot for PTC1 part of it involved setting up a tripod with the Elmo 110 focussed on what is reputed to be Britain's first traffic roundabout. Its in a quiet town, was on a quiet Sunday morning....but of course as soon as I set up the ruddy tripod and camera suddenly it seems as if the whole world descended upon me and the wife, who was assisting. The general public were curious, the police initially concerned me but actually wanted to know if we needed help. What I actually wanted was one, clear shot of a specific car I had arranged to go round that roundabout.
I could set up a camera on the railway bridge over my local rail station, though the railway company are a bit anal about things. One can but try...might be fun to finish off a cart of V200T I have in that way though.
The government says that by 2010 30% of us will be fat....I am merely a trendsetter
Good news Lastcoyote, thanks for your effort for the project. Can't wait to see all the films together. What a great project, I hope everything will be all right (upps I was listening Bob Marley...).
"Cuando despertó, el dinosaurio todavÃÂa estaba allÃÂ."
("When he awoke, the dinosaur was still there.")
Guys!!!!!! Cart #1 is up!!! One more step to breaking the curse of missing carts.
Somehow the Vimeo now needs to wait in line for convert.
But please keep looking and it will be up in short future! Here are the links:
It's so cool that this is nearing an end now. Btw, flatwood you rocked in that clip. That was sweet!
Thanks again Philip for putting all this together.