MPEG to Super 8?

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MPEG to Super 8?

Post by Muckymuck »

Last year I was given a compact digital camera (shock! horror!) I haven't used it much, but I did take it on a trip and used the (silent) video function to take a 12 minute film which now resides on my hard-drive and a CD backup copy.

I would like to have a celluloid copy of this film, whether colour or black and white. Is there anywhere that can do this? It's 12 minutes long.

Alternatively, has anyone done this themselves, i.e. pointed the camera the image on the screen? It's a laptop, not a cathode-ray-tube monitor, and there has been no strobing when I've used Powerpoint to do titles in the past, but would a moving image MPEG cause any problems when filming at 18 fps?

If no-one here has done this, I'll take the plunge do the first 3min 20sec on Tri X. If it works I'll do the rest. I'd just rather know in advance whether it's likely to work. :D
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Post by Scotness »

I've done it and it worked - a few others have as well - check out this thread:

I think there was another thread that was a bit lengthier too - but you'll have to search for it a bit

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Post by johnnhud »

I have also done this with a Canon 814e. I set the camera on a tripod and set it to "single frame" mode. Then I opened my digital file on my mac, blew it up full screen and zoomed in and set the focus on the camera. I left the camera on auto exposure.

I then hit the plunger to take a single frame on my 814 and then advanced the digital file one frame by hitting the arrow key.

I shot about 1 minute of footage this way and it turned out looking pretty good. It was slightly soft, but I think that manual exposure could fix that.

Obviously this method wouldn't work on a long film, unless you had a LOT of patience.
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Post by onsuper8 »

Totally doable - great for titles - just remember to measure the distance from the screen to the film plane and set your focus exactly as you have no margin for error.

You could set up some simple bit of electronics with a modfied intervalator to do one frame at a time, but also trigger the mouse to progress one frame at a time.
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Re: MPEG to Super 8?

Post by jpolzfuss »

Muckymuck wrote:I would like to have a celluloid copy of this film, whether colour or black and white. Is there anywhere that can do this? offers a "VIDEO TO FILM TRANSFER" for both Super8 and 16mm used to offer such a service for Super8 and 35mm as well, but at least their webpage is "under reconstruction" for months. Hence they might out of business by now?!
Here's the old price list from 2006: ... kines.html
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