Airport Security Paranoia and Film Cement???!!!

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Post by T-Scan »

I'm done flying with film, missed planes while by spools and carts are ripped open and ravaged, xray ect... It's not worth it.

I'm taking a 2000 MILE trip in 2 weeks to the midwest... AND I'M DRIVING. Taking a bunch of film and cameras, lots of scenery and no bullshit.
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Re: Airport Security Paranoia and Film Cement???!!!

Post by AMAT0R »

OK, another absurd film story. As I was sent my last K40 to Lausanne for process some months ago, the woman at the post office said I can't send the film in original envelope "because there are commercials on it". Fortunately in another post office weren't the postmen so dumb.
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Post by MovieStuff »

T-Scan wrote:I'm done flying with film, missed planes while by spools and carts are ripped open and ravaged, xray ect... It's not worth it.

I'm taking a 2000 MILE trip in 2 weeks to the midwest... AND I'M DRIVING.
Gee, I wonder if the big oil companies engineered the whole terrorist fear so that people would fly less and drive more, and at the same time the companies could raise the price at the pump? 8O

Nah... our government would never let that sort of thing happen, right?

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Post by audadvnc »

Now if the next president happened to be the CEO of a major airline, things might be different...
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TSA Guidelines

Post by John_Pytlak »

Here is a link to the USA Transportation Security Administration list of prohibited items: ... _1012.shtm
Don’t let a prohibited item ruin your trip. You are permitted to travel with most items, but you must put them in your luggage and check them with your airline. Certain items are prohibited from carry-on luggage for the overall security of air travelers. Prohibited items obviously include weapons, explosives, and incendiaries, but also items that are seemingly harmless and may be used as weapons like hammers, bats, or mace. You may not bring these items to security checkpoints.
And guidelines for carrying unprocessed film as carry-on baggage: ... _1035.shtm

NEVER put unprocessed film in CHECKED baggage, as it will likely be subjected to CAT-type scanning with intense x-rays. TSA guidelines permit hand inspection of motion picture film in carry-on baggage to avoid exposure to the lower dose x-ray machines used for carry-on baggage. Be sure to have a changing bag and allow enough time for a hand inspection of any film in sealed cans.
John Pytlak
EI Customer Technical Services
Research Lab, Building 69
Eastman Kodak Company
Rochester, NY 14650-1922 USA
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Post by Patrick »

"...also items that are seemingly harmless and may be used as weapons like hammers, bats, or mace..."

Well I guess hammers, bats and mace might seem harmless at first.........
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Post by flatwood »

Patrick wrote:....Well I guess hammers, bats and mace might seem harmless at first.........
I guess ive been living in the counry too long. When I first read it I thought it said..."hammers, bats and mice..."

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Post by tlatosmd »

Blue Audio Visual wrote:Which reminds me of yet another story: a colleague of mine here at Blue took home some Super 8 cartoons to show his two sons, aged about 6 & 10 at the time. We had bought the reel off a regular customer of ours earlier that day - it was a load of stuff spiced together onto a 600" reel. He set the projector up, and left them in the front room watching Bugs Bunny or whatever. About 10 minutes the 6 year old boy came in to see him, saying that 'the man is eating the lady's bottom'. The 10 year old had got what it was and was watching some hardcore porn quite contentedly. And he, at least, was well aware that it wasn't her bottom that the man was eating! The screening came to an abrupt end at that point, needless to say. We confronted the guy who sold it to us a few days later, but all he did was shrug his shoulders saying that he wasn't sure how it got in there, but that as he liked porn and cartoons it must have been him who spliced it together...
Of course all you guys in the US realize this is perfect proof the Meese Commission was right, don't you? ;)
Audadnvc wrote:Rumor has it (according to reliable sources, i.e. the Internet and my Illuminati/Reptile alien conspiracy buff pal Chris) that the Nazis were building a huge 5-sided structure during WW2, some sort of prison or stable for a supernatural Aryan demon spirit, to smite their enemies with. But they were defeated before they could bring this entity/creature on-line. Wonder whatever happened to it? Maybe it got shipped back to Washington, with Spielberg's Lost Ark? Does it make a cameo in Sonnyboo's new film?
As much as I know, that monster was called Amerikarakete. Werner v. Braun built "the highest and biggest halls that ever existed on earth" for it, it was scheduled as an intercontinental rocket and to have the Nazi nuclear bomb in it that was being developed by Heisenberg, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut, and the Heereswaffenamt. In 1943 or '44, the SS got hold of the project's co-ordination, yielding two nuclear tests, one done by fusion in late '44 on a Baltic Sea island, the other in early March '45 by fission. The latter was caught on film and killed several hundreds of imprisoned human "lab rats" of concenctration camp/nearby army training area Ohrdruff.

The film of it is documented by Russian archive files, however remains "classified" even by the Putin government.
Last edited by tlatosmd on Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ccortez »

Evan Kubota wrote:"You can't buy it there."

Come on, that's neither here nor there. You can't get a decent Scotch aboard most flights either but you should be able to.
Not true, actually. You just have to know whom to ask. :)
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Post by tlatosmd »

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Post by T-Scan »

MovieStuff wrote:
T-Scan wrote:I'm done flying with film, missed planes while by spools and carts are ripped open and ravaged, xray ect... It's not worth it.

I'm taking a 2000 MILE trip in 2 weeks to the midwest... AND I'M DRIVING.
Gee, I wonder if the big oil companies engineered the whole terrorist fear so that people would fly less and drive more, and at the same time the companies could raise the price at the pump? 8O

Nah... our government would never let that sort of thing happen, right?

Maybe, oil companies, terrorists... the same hipocracy. I just saw a piece the other night how the whitehouse has been censoring global warming... former big oil lobbyists that are now appointed chief of staff for energy. so anything is possible with this group of crackers.
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Post by MovieStuff »

T-Scan wrote:I just saw a piece the other night how the whitehouse has been censoring global warming... former big oil lobbyists that are now appointed chief of staff for energy. so anything is possible with this group of crackers.
Read "State of Fear" by Michael Crichton. Not a great story but interesting information about global warming, research, etc. It got me thinking and doing some on-line research to see if the author was blowing smoke or not. From what I can tell, it's pretty accurate. The book sort of reveals the cloak and dagger methods of industy as well as green groups. Interesting stuff.

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Post by flatwood »

T-Scan wrote:...... anything is possible with this group of crackers.....
Please, you're giving crackers a bad name. They are not crackers. None of them are really from the south. Please!!!
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Post by audadvnc »

Update 8/10/06:

From the US Homeland Security Web Page:
The U.S. threat level is raised to Severe, or Red, for all commercial flights flying from the United Kingdom to the U.S.

The U.S. threat level is raised to High, or Orange for all commercial aviation operating in the U.S., including international flights. Flights from the U.S. to the U.K. are also Orange
That's the top of the meter, folks, as high as it goes for inbound flights from the UK. They aren't allowing any liquids other than baby formula on domestic commercial airliners today (not even shampoo); that includes all of our weird film chemicals, I guess...
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Post by Blue Audio Visual »

And as a final irony bearing in mind I started this thread, I'm due to fly to France on Monday with my 5 month old daughter...Better make sure I don't take any cement with me, and I guess my Super 8 carts will have to go with the checked in luggage.

Everyone is very paranoid here in London today - you're not even allowed to take a book or a newspaper on a plane.
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