Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 16mm

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Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 16mm

Post by S8 Booster »

Anybody having any experience with this film material. By description it looks promising although being overdue.




"FERRANIA movies

End of the 90s , we acquired from the manufacturer FERRANIA about a dozen " Pancakes " IMATION Scotch Chrome 100 slide film color
ISO 100/21 ° for testing and further use / processing.

We were interested in at the time the coarse grain , the " bright " colors and the relatively simple processing in standard E6 compared with the KODAK Ektachrome VNF

Now we handle the entire inventory in subsequent formats and sell everything from now on !
The sale price does not include development.
The film takes place in the development of standard E 6

DANGER! This film is not a virgin ! It was cast circa 1998 and is thus approximately 8 - 10 years on MHD ( expiration date ) can thus " color shift " may occur .
The film roles were stored away in our cold storage .
Nevertheless, NO WARRANTY !

Legal notice
The names of the rights holders are protected and are used only because they are part of the product and identify the quality .

With the acquisition of the unprocessed raw material , we took the right for further processing (cutting, perforating, splitting ) . Possibly resulting shortcomings of this processing are not the
Attributable to owners."

Ende der 90er Jahre übernahmen wir vom Hersteller FERRANIA etwa ein Dutzend "Pancakes" IMATION Scotch Chrome 100 Dia Farbfilm
ISO 100/21° zum Testen und zur weiteren Verwendung/Verarbeitung.

Uns interessierte seinerzeit das grobe Korn, die "knalligen" Farben sowie die relativ einfache Verarbeitung im Standard E6 gegenüber dem KODAK EKTACHROME VNF

Jetzt verarbeiten wir den gesamten Bestand in nachfolgende Formate und verkaufen alles ab sofort!
Der Verkaufspreis beinhaltet nicht die Entwicklung.
Die Film-Entwicklung erfolgt im Standard E 6

ACHTUNG! Dieses Filmmaterial ist keine Neuware! Es wurde ca. 1998 gegossen und ist somit ca. 8 - 10 Jahre über MHD (Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum) Es können also "Farbverschiebungen" auftreten.
Die Filmrollen waren in unserem Kühllager geschützt gelagert.

Rechtlicher Hinweis
Die Namen der Rechteinhaber sind geschützt und werden nur verwendet, weil diese Bestandteil des Produktes sind und die Qualität kennzeichnen.

Mit dem Erwerb des unverarbeiteten Rohmaterials übernahmen wir das Recht zur Weiterverarbeitung (Schneiden, Perforieren, Aufteilen). Evtl. entstandene Mängel dieser Verarbeitung sind nicht den
Rechteinhabern zuzurechnen.
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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by bolextech »

Friedemann Wachsmuth posted this report.
Here is the Google translation from German.
In short: not recommended.

Moin, as Mr. Kahl yes no longer supplied me, I have a dozen S8 wrap his "Scotch Chrome" material just bought over detour. With the DS8 test roll of Deidesheim I was actually quite happy with what I got this time, however, is pure mockery. Coming soon:

The material is too narrow. A Kodak bias is approximately 0.5mm wide.
The Perfo is too far inside. Is partially visible in the project (!) And has a notable grab tracks by the offset.
The edges of the material are very unclean cut. Does one have when inserting into the spiral of development: Every few cm "scratch" it between your fingers clear.
The most annoying thing is that the material has obviously get violent incident light. Or else gefoggt as funny. Funny within the meaning of irregularly: Approx 40-50 cm, the picture gradually too bright, and the six exposed winding time. The light is on Perfoseite, the Dmax in the Perfo is only a medium gray, on the other edge of the picture, it is still true to some extent. That makes so twisted films actually completely unansehbar. The pump is terrible!
I still have to test an unexposed winding developed: Exactly the same. The films have therefore already getting light at Kahl (or marginal areas are poorly stored Pancakes) - the man sold so again in good conscience pure junk. Beautiful mixed among subsets which are probably quite right.
The Dmax of my films is actually thinner than that of each completely superimposed Movie chrome. In chemistry, it is not developed in parallel, E100D and Avichromes are colored and crisp as ever.
This only soon as a warning. (Is it because supplies) Although Kahls prices sound enticing, Do you just not at the scrap. Who it still does not make it to so many years Rumpatzen, Film to assemble and clean to mixed or obvious scrap material with light under his goods, does not deserve another customer. Yes, sir Kahl will not taste you now determined. I direct you had probably "good" delivered footage, still happen as Deidesheim. Now I understand why you partout no more than this would provide me a roll: The rest of the batch is apparently not so much the last word, and that they provide rather then to novices and creative people from that then error itself . Search or annoyed and disappointed the still young amateur ad again With all Kauzigkeit relating to your customer base criteria: I thought that with the quality you would get after so many years of frustrated customers now finally under control. Nope.

Jean-Louis Seguin
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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by aj »

Is this recent? Where is the original text in German?

Seems the 4x15m S8 with cartridge is attractive enough.
Especially with DIY home processing.
Kind regards,

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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by S8 Booster »

ok, thanks ... the never ending Kahl story then.....

nice boxes though....

gotta go Pro8mm then (to get my Fuji stuff)....

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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by S8 Booster »

aj wrote:Is this recent? Where is the original text in German?
try the link above the picture.

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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by freddenacka »

I did make a test exposed as asa 100 and it is a bit under exposed. I used the tental E6 kit that was expired so maybey not the film.
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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by aj »

S8 Booster wrote:
aj wrote:Is this recent? Where is the original text in German?
try the link above the picture.

Thanks but that is for the Kahl webshop.

I would like to read the original Friedemann piece. The crooked google English is just too much.
Kind regards,

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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by Charlie Blackfield »

aj wrote:I would like to read the original Friedemann piece. The crooked google English is just too much.
Yes, I'd be quite interested in this as well. I can make sense of the Neudeutsch (new German) word "gefoggt", and I know what "Rumpatzen" and 'Kauzigkeit" mean, but "still happens as Deidesheim" beats me.

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Re: Kahlfilm: Scotch Chrome /Ferrania Avaiable in 8 S8 DS8 1

Post by bolextech »

Jean-Louis Seguin
Motion Picture Camera Technician
Montreal, Canada
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